Cilt 9 Sayı 18 (Aralık 2015)
Orjinal Araştırma Makaleleri Cohesion and Coherence in the Written Expressions of Students of Faculty of Education

Abdulkerim Karadeniz

ss. 1 - 8


In this study, the relationship between the Education Faculty students' ability to use the tools of cohesion and achieve coherence in their written texts was investigated. In addition, the relationship between the department of study and the student's ability to use the tools of cohesion was observed. The texts written by the students on free writing sessions were evaluated based on two text criteria, cohesion and coherence. This work was conducted in Ahi Evran University Faculty of Education on the academic year 2013-2014. The subject group of the study comprises 126 students from the departments of Science Teaching, Social Sciences Teaching, Primary Education-Level Mathematics Teaching, Classroom Teaching, Computer and Teaching Technologies Education and Turkish Education. Document evaluation method was used in the study. “Evaluation Criteria for The Tools of Cohesion” developed by Coşkun (2005) was used in identification of the elements of coherence, whereas “Evaluation Criteria for the Paragraph Coherence” developed by Can (2012) was used in evaluation of texts in terms of coherence. Results of the study showed that the ability of the students from the departments of Turkish Education and Classroom Teaching to use the tools of cohesion is significantly different compared to other departments. Moreover, it was concluded that the ability of the students to use the tools of cohesion is positively and significantly correlated with the coherence of their written texts.

Anaktar kelimeler: text linguistic, cohesion, coherence

Orjinal Araştırma Makaleleri Causes of Dropping out the Program of Music and Art at the Faculty of Music

J. E. Zaragoza Loya, M.C. Vergara de los Ríos & M.J. Vargas Mendoza

ss. 9 - 18


The students of the Baccalaureate Program of Music and Art at the Music Faculty shows a significant population decline during the first semester, so it was necessary to obtain information to understand the behavior, because there is no formal study to determine the causes of student dropouts; thus the aim of this study is to identify what are the reasons for students dropping out of the program, to provide a diagnosis to extent possible and analyze the situation to generate strategies to rectify these variables to achieve completion of the program. This study is an exploratory diagnostic research with a quantitative perspective; a questionnaire was used as instrument, made for academic research done on abandonment and desertion. In conclusion the study shows that the main causes of dropout are a set of interrelated variables that show a complex cultural and socioeconomic phenomenon that reflects the general feeling in our society.

Anaktar kelimeler: behavior, causes, dropout, cultural, socioeconomic

Orjinal Araştırma Makaleleri Creating A Bridge Between Academic Research and Artistic Creativity

Fatma Zohra Mebtouche Nedjai

ss. 19 - 26


The purpose of this paper is to highlight the importance of mastering the academic writing skill . In order to achieve our goal, two main ideas will be developed ;the first will discuss new concepts of the theory of learning with a specific focus on the relationship between transformational/telling knowledge, constructivist theory and the difference between successful /average learner . The second section will expose the three-stages of writing as a process approach in terms of pre writing, writing and post writing tasks. This will hopefully help students of fine arts promote an analytical spirit and achieve personal and academic writing for the fulfillment of their memoirs

Anaktar kelimeler: transformational/telling knowledge; constructivism; academic writing ;process approach; arts

Orjinal Araştırma Makaleleri Using Competency-based Tasks in Undergraduate Students' Education Organization at Research University

Zhanna Volkova & Alexandra Solonenko

ss. 27 - 36


The article is devoted to the issues of working out and implementing various taks used in teaching undergraduate students and aimed at forming project and research competencies. The article presents the data of the research conducted at the Faculty of Psychology, Tomsk State University (Russian Federation). The research draws on the study of the global educational trends in the stated field, the study of the tasks’ content and students’ work peculiarities. The conclusion is drawn on the necessity of considering activating teaching methods while working out and implementing such tasks in order to activate undergraduate students’ knowledge, their research potential. We see the research competence as the key one in determining student’s academic and professional success and suppose that such kind of education based on research will allow the students to generate knowledge independently to fulfill academic and professional assignments in future

Anaktar kelimeler: Competencies; project and research activity in university; activating teaching methods; undergraduate education

Orjinal Araştırma Makaleleri Senior English Teachers’ Understanding of and Practices in Mentoring

Afrah Nasir Al-Shammakhi

ss. 37 - 51


The concept of mentoring was introduced in February, 2010 at a training conference for all SETs in the Batinah South Region. In the study, it was shown that SETs have a limited understanding of mentoring due to the lack of knowledge they have of the process. This has been inferred from the limited definitions of the process the participants presented and from the few examples given by the SETs on the requisite skills and the kinds of support needed for the teachers. None of the participants mentioned the concepts of professional and personal development or professional and personal support. Moreover, none of the participants mentioned professional and personal development as the main purpose of their mentoring work, but they did mention examples that lead to either development. Participant F mentioned professional development when she said, “as you know . . . peer observation is part of the professional development of the teacher.” Furthermore, most of the participants' responses are attributed to either the experience they gained from working as SETs or from their knowledge of the duties they are expected to perform as SETs, especially in their descriptions of how to conduct PLDs, which was found to be the same with the both groups.

Anaktar kelimeler: English teachers, mentoring, Batinah South Region