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Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2015, Clt. 9(17) 27-37

Exploring the Gap between Content and Larning Outcomes in Nepalese Technical Educantion

Hari Prasad Nepal

Benzer Makaleler
1 The Effect of Graphic Symbol Learning Environments On Verbal Problem Solving Skills Of Hearing-Impaired Students

Yasemin Karal, Hasan Karal, Lokman Şılbır, Ekrem Bahçekapılı & Murat Aatasoy
Cilt 9 Sayı 17

2 In-Service Science Teachers’ Astronomy Misconceptions

Behzat Bektaşlı
Cilt 8 Sayı 15

3 Öğretmen Adaylarının Öğretim Programına ve Program Rollerine İlişkin İmgeleri

Abdurrahman Şahin & Orhan Kumral
Cilt 7 Sayı 14

4 Developing Online Teaching Competencies of Educators in Turkey

Serkan İzmirli & Ömer Kırmacı
Cilt 11 Sayı 22

5 Predicting Students' Self-Efficacy towards Learning Science by Constructivist Learning Environment Perceptions

Bircan Dökmecioğlu, Yasemin Taş & Sündüs Yerdelen
Cilt 12 Sayı 24

6 The Prediction of Collaborative EFL Task Achievement by Teaching, Social and Cognitive Presence

İrem Sarı Heshmati & Kadir Kozan
Cilt 12 Sayı 25

7 Prospective Teachers' Cognitive Constructs Related to Ideal Lecturer Qualifications: A Case Study Based on Repertory Grid Technique

Şenol Sezer
Cilt 12 Sayı 25

8 Induction into Teaching in Turkish Secondary Schools: A Muliple Case Study of First Year Teachers’ Experiences

Tuğba Cihan & Ali Yıldırım
Cilt 13 Sayı 27

9 An Investigation of Turkish Cultures of Learning Within the Framework of Turkish ELT Curricula

Ahmet Acar
Cilt 13 Sayı 28

10 The Attitudes of Prospective Teachers to “Curriculum Development and Instruction” Course (Gazi University Faculty of Education Sample)

Pınar Bilasa
Cilt 13 Sayı 29