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Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2019, Clt. 13(28) 126-144

An Investigation of Turkish Cultures of Learning Within the Framework of Turkish ELT Curricula

Ahmet Acar

ss. 126 - 144   |  DOI:

Yayın Tarihi: Haziran 30, 2019  |   Görüntüleme Sayısı: 257/888   |   İndirilme Sayısı: 312/1.658


Since English as an international language does not belong to a certain country or a certain culture, an appropriate methodology for teaching English as an international language should not be informed by a western methodology but by a methodology informed by the local culture of learning of a particular teaching context (for example, culture of learning of the Turkish people). For this reason, while the current communicative approach, which is often characterized by a western culture of learning, promotes a certain set of assumptions about language or language learning which must be adopted in all cultural contexts, the teaching of EIL approach suggests devising methodologies appropriate to the local culture of learning (for example, Turkish culture of learning). This paper aims to explore the Turkish students' culture of learning English. To specify the Turkish students' culture of learning English, a survey was constructed and administered to 1130 students in the second cycle (grade 8.) of public primary schools in İzmir, Turkey. The results of this survey reveal that Turkish students of English display some characteristics which are not in line with the characteristics of the communicative approach and the pedagogic principles of both 2013 and 2018 Turkish ELT curricula. The data are discussed to shed light on devising appropriate methodologies appropriate to the Turkish students' culture of learning English in Turkey.

Anaktar kelimeler: Cultures of learning, English as an international language pedagogy, Turkish ELT curriculum, communicative approach

Bu makaleye nasıl atıf yapılır

APA 7th edition
Acar, A. (2019). An Investigation of Turkish Cultures of Learning Within the Framework of Turkish ELT Curricula. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(28), 126-144.

Acar, A. (2019). An Investigation of Turkish Cultures of Learning Within the Framework of Turkish ELT Curricula. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(28), pp. 126-144.

Chicago 16th edition
Acar, Ahmet (2019). "An Investigation of Turkish Cultures of Learning Within the Framework of Turkish ELT Curricula". Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 13 (28):126-144.

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