International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1309-0682

Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2014, Cil. 8(15) 1-10

In-Service Science Teachers’ Astronomy Misconceptions

Behzat Bektaşlı

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  United States 143 189
  France 91 93
  Turkey 33 55
  Russian Federation 16 19
Bilinmiyor 14 30
  Thailand 8 10
  Singapore 6 6
  Australia 3 5
  Sweden 3 3
  China 3 3
  Malaysia 2 3
  Philippines 2 6
  India 2 3
  Germany 2 4
  Finland 2 2
  Indonesia 1 3
  Spain 1 2
  Czech Republic 1 1
  Greece 1 1
  Portugal 1 1
  Croatia 1 1
  Brazil 1 1
  Romania 1 1
  Jordan 1 1
  Korea, Republic of 1 1
  Chile 1 1
  United Kingdom 0 1
  Canada 0 1
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