Araştırma Makalesi    |    Açık Erişim
Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2016, Clt. 10(19) 39-52

Academic Procrastination: The Role of Metacognitive Awareness and Educational Stress


ss. 39 - 52

Yayın Tarihi: Eylül 20, 2016  |   Görüntüleme Sayısı: 785/1.267   |   İndirilme Sayısı: 1.014/2.278


The aim of this study was investigate the academic procrastination in terms of metacognitive awareness and educational stress. The 273 high school students were attended the current study that was based on a correlation model. Academic Procrastination Scale, Metacognitive Awareness Scale and Educational Stress Scale were used in this study. Data were analyzed by using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis. Results were revealed significant correlations among academic procrastination, metacognitive awareness and educational stress. Academic procrastination correlated negatively with metacognitive awareness; however it correlated positively with educational stress. Results taken from the multiple linear regression analysis showed that metacognitive awareness and educational stress accounted for 20% of total academic procrastination variance. Metacognitive awareness and educational stress made a significant and distinctive contribution to the model. These findings were discussed about the relevant literature and new directions were suggested for further studies.

Anaktar kelimeler: Academic Procrastination, Metacognitive Awareness, Educational Stress, Correlational Model

Bu makaleye nasıl atıf yapılır

APA 7th edition
CIKRIKCI, O. (2016). Academic Procrastination: The Role of Metacognitive Awareness and Educational Stress. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(19), 39-52.

CIKRIKCI, O. (2016). Academic Procrastination: The Role of Metacognitive Awareness and Educational Stress. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 10(19), pp. 39-52.

Chicago 16th edition
CIKRIKCI, Ozkan (2016). "Academic Procrastination: The Role of Metacognitive Awareness and Educational Stress". Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 10 (19):39-52.

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