Araştırma Makalesi    |    Açık Erişim
Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2018, Clt. 12(25) 150-171

Parental Views Regarding Homework

Kemal Akkan Batman

ss. 150 - 171   |  DOI:

Yayın Tarihi: Ekim 01, 2018  |   Görüntüleme Sayısı: 309/905   |   İndirilme Sayısı: 467/1.887


Formal education requires a planned education period to bring forth planned, controlled and required behaviors. Homework is one of the elements of plans in the educational process. In educational programs, homework is given to students as an out-of-class activity. There are some studies in the field of education, indicating the fact that homework does have an effect on students' achievement, while other research results state that homework has no influence on achievement and even causes unhappiness for students. In the education system of TRNC, homework is considered as a part of the educational process. Therefore, teachers assign homework to students in addition to in-class education. Parents, who play various roles in doing and checking homework, are another contributor to school education. Parents' roles about homework might be influential on students' success at school. Thus, it is very important to reveal parents' perceptions about homework. Considering this important point, this study aims to reveal how parents of 4th grade students perceive homework using qualitative case study pattern. Research data were collected through a structured interview form designed by the researcher. Collected data were analyzed by 'content analysis' technique encompassing mainly pattern identification, coding and classification processes. On the basis of findings obtained from collected data, suggestions were made concerning the things to do in terms of homework in the education system.

Anaktar kelimeler: Assignment, Homework, Assignment Types.

Bu makaleye nasıl atıf yapılır

APA 7th edition
Batman, K.A. (2018). Parental Views Regarding Homework. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(25), 150-171.

Batman, K. (2018). Parental Views Regarding Homework. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(25), pp. 150-171.

Chicago 16th edition
Batman, Kemal Akkan (2018). "Parental Views Regarding Homework". Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 12 (25):150-171.

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