International Association of Educators   |  ISSN: 1309-0682

Orjinal Araştırma Makalesi | Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 2019, Cil. 13(30) 159-172

Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs about Addressing Science Process Skills Using Theory of Planned Behavior

Gülsüm Akyol & Yasemin Taş

ss. 159 - 172   |  DOI:   |  Makale No: MANU-1904-13-0002.R1

Yayın tarihi: Aralık 24, 2019  |   Okunma Sayısı: 264  |  İndirilme Sayısı: 701


This study intended to specify salient beliefs of pre-service primary school teachers (PPSTs) in terms of addressing science process skills (SPS) in their future science teaching. For this purpose, Ajzen’s (1991) Theory of Planned Behavior was used as a theoretical framework. Twelve Turkish junior PPSTs completed a questionnaire comprised of open-ended questions, which was followed by one-to-one interviews. According to content analysis results, PPSTs believed that including SPS in science teaching results in largely positive consequences, such as allowing students to learn knowledge permanently and enabling students to use these skills in daily life. The only negative consequence of implementing SPS in science teaching articulated by PPSTs was that the time left for science subjects would be short. Parents and school administrators emerged as the most prominent normative referents related to using SPS in science teaching. Lastly, a number of control factors that would ease or obstruct PPSTs’ implementation of SPS during science teaching were specified, such as availability of laboratory equipment and materials at school, large class size, and support from school administrators. Recommendations were made in order for PPSTs to address SPS in their future science teaching.

Anahtar Kelimeler: science process skills, science teaching, Theory of Planned Behavior, pre-service primary school teachers, content analysis

Bu makaleye nasıl atıf yapılır?

APA 6th edition
Akyol, G. & Tas, Y. (2019). Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs about Addressing Science Process Skills Using Theory of Planned Behavior . Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(30), 159-172. doi: 10.29329/mjer.2019.218.10

Akyol, G. and Tas, Y. (2019). Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs about Addressing Science Process Skills Using Theory of Planned Behavior . Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(30), pp. 159-172.

Chicago 16th edition
Akyol, Gulsum and Yasemin Tas (2019). "Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs about Addressing Science Process Skills Using Theory of Planned Behavior ". Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 13 (30):159-172. doi:10.29329/mjer.2019.218.10.

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